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Plan Preparation Guide


The North Dakota Department of Transportation and the DOT Support Center (NDDOT/DOTSC) makes the following information available on the Web on an "as is" basis as a public service.

Under no circumstances does NDDOT/DOTSC warrant or certify the information to be free of errors or deficiencies of any kind. NDDOT/DOTSC specifically disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The use of any of this information for work which is under contract with the NDDOT/DOTSC, does not relieve the user from any obligations assumed by the contract, or from complete and proper fulfillment of the terms of the contract, nor does it entitle the user to compensation for damages of loss which could be attributed to such use.

This information is subject to change by NDDOT/DOTSC. Anyone relying on this information should satisfy himself/herself as to the most current version. The user agrees to accept all risks and consequences flowing from or related to the use, retention, distribution, alteration, or deletion of this information. NDDOT/DOTSC will in no instance be liable for any loss of profit or other damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages, even if apprised of the likelihood of such damages.

Note: This manual provides a written account of how certain activities are performed and is designed to guide and assist staff in performing their functions. When appropriate, there may be deviations from these written procedures due to changes in personnel, policies, interpretation, law, experimentation with different systems, or simply evolution of the process itself. This manual may be changed at any time. Staff is encouraged to review this manual periodically and suggest changes in the manual to keep the manual current and to minimize differences between the manual and actual practices.


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For more information, email nddot.prepguide@ugpti.org

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