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Charles E. Herman Scholarship

The Charles E. Herman Scholarships recognize academic achievement and promote the education of transportation students with a preference to women and minorities at NDSU. Funding for one $2,000 scholarship is provided by the Charles E. Herman Scholarship Endowment Fund, NDSU Development Foundation.

Scholarship Details

  • Scholarship amount: $2,000 per academic year
  • Number of scholarships: One per academic year
  • Solicitation for applicants: December through March 1 of each year
  • Deadline to submit application: March 1 of each year
  • Applications are collected through NDSU One Stop
  • Scholarship award: Fall Semester
  • Recognition of recipients: Fall Awards Banquet

Selection Criteria

  • Junior/Senior standing for the current academic year
  • Transportation interest with a preference towards women and minorities
  • Demonstrated academic performance
  • Activities / leadership

Scholarship Recipients


About Charles Herman

Charles "Chuck" Herman, the UGPTI's first John M. Agrey Award winner in 1996, was a businessman and worked for the Greater North Dakota Association and served three terms in the ND House of Representatives. He was instrumental in creating the legislation establishing the UGPTI. His knowledge of and involvement in the legislative process and his relationships with ND legislators and staff members were essential in getting the legislation passed.

Chuck was born in 1926 in Ada, MN, where he grew up and attended High School. He attended his senior year and graduated from high school in Pasadena, CA. He received degrees from Hamline University, Concordia College, and his masters from NDSU.

After his death in 2010, his family gifted $50,000 to NDSU to endow a transportation scholarship in his memory.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050